Sarah Arnold-Hall

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Strive to be Authentic – Not Unique

When I was 13 years old, there were two girls in my class that I thought were so incredibly cool. I would secretly try to come up with ways to impress them and get them to like me. One day, I ran into them on the weekend, and they were both wearing beautiful new strappy sandals. When I asked where they got them from, they told me it was from a shop that was “their” shop, and they wouldn’t tell me. They didn’t want me to have them too, because then the shoes wouldn’t be special.

Trying to be unique twists us in strange ways. It makes us waste time trying to be special or different and try do things differently that were perfectly good enough the way they were in the first place.

Being unique is totally overrated.

You don’t need to come up with the next big idea, you just need to do the same old ideas – but as you.

Most songs on the top of the charts right now are the same. There’s nothing unique about 4 chords. But the artists bring their own authenticity to the songs, and thats what makes us love them.

The world doesn’t need a new invention from you. It needs a blog written – by you. It needs a house built – by you. It needs the same old pair of jeans sewn – by you.

All the world really needs from us is our authentic selves.

Isn’t that a relief? To free ourselves from the need to do or be something special and different? I’m not doing anything unique and my content isn’t revolutionary: other people have written blogs and created membership sites before. Other people are High Performance Coaches. Other people talk about achieving impossible goals. 

Tony Robbins is credited with inventing life coaching. If you’re reading this, you could just be on Tony’s website instead. I’m not saying anything unique or different from him. It’s the same stuff. But you’re still reading this, because I’m just doing it as me, because you resonate with the same old concepts coming out of my mouth.

Don’t be different, just be you.