Sarah Arnold-Hall

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Learning lessons from 300 days of Meditation

I can’t believe it’s been 300 days since I made the commitment to meditate every day for a year. For the whole month of December, I meditated every day without any guided help, but I’m grateful to be back with my guided audios. I’m far less distracted when I have a path to follow.

Here’s what I’ve learned in the last 300 days:

  1. Don’t meditate right before bed, or you’ll fall asleep. I still haven’t mastered this one, but I’m getting better. I’d rather meditate right before bed than to not mediate at all. They key is to sit up straight. If I lie down, I’m toast.

  2. I don’t think it’s had a profound impact on my life, but I do think if I stopped meditating, it would have a negative impact. I really enjoy making meditation a part of my day – even if it’s only 2 minutes of focused breathing (doing some meditation is better than doing none!)

  3. Doing it in the morning is better, but after 300 days of struggling to do it first thing when I wake up, I’ve realised daily morning meditation is probably not going to happen, and that’s okay. I’m a night owl. I prefer to meditate in the evening when I need a break from the day, but not too late or I’ll fall asleep (see point no. 1). After a discussion with a fellow High Performance Coach the other day, I realised that if mornings aren’t my optimal time, doing a lengthy morning routine isn’t necessarily the best thing for me. Crafting a shorter routine I can do no matter how late I wake up (hello, listing my blessings and drinking some hot water while I hurry to find socks that aren’t odd). I think I’m going to do a post about my mini morning routine!

  4. I struggle to just be. I know, we’re human beings, not human doings, but my ambitious drive gets in the way sometimes. I want learn to meditate to meditate, not to check it off my to do list. Doing guided meditations helps with this a lot, but I also know that I still need to work on it. Perhaps that will be my challenge once I hit 365 days (ha, yes, I see the irony of setting a challenge to be in the moment and not be making it everything a challenge all the time!).

  5. It’s still not a fully engrained habit. Whoever said you need 21 days to form a habit is seriously misinformed 😂😂😂Getting my butt onto the meditation pillow is still a challenge every single day. Why do we resist the things we love?

  6. The most important thing is to just keep meditating. I know that it’s a lifelong skill to hone, and I’m in it for the long run.

Do you meditate daily? What are your best tips? Let me know in the comments below.