Sarah Arnold-Hall

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Yin & Yang

With my own coach yesterday, I discovered something that is blindingly obvious but I hadn’t noticed about myself: For the last year I’ve been functioning at about 95% masculine energy in my life.

I’m all about DOING. Go. Pushing. Impossible. Breaking limits. Taking action. Making decisions. Committing. Hustling. Working. 24/7. Planning. Doing.

I love that about myself – don’t get me wrong. I think that my masculine energy is what has got me to where I am in my life with my relationships and my business and my health. I’m all about making things happen. But I know that what got me here won’t get me there, so now it’s time to allow things to happen.

Now is time to bring back the BEING. Letting go. Allowing. Ease. Expansiveness. Wholeness. Patience. Tenderness. Acceptance. Softness.

Yin and yang (feminine and masculine) are two parts of the same whole. They are a balance.

And I’ve been so far off balance I think I forgot what yin was.

This is my challenge to myself (notice that masculine language!) to go to the next level with my goals, and bring back the balance of yin and feminine: Learn to just be.

I removed some of my daily habits from my habit tracker (My motto is still: If it matters, do it daily – but now I’m being more considerate about what actually matters!), and I’m practicing letting things be.

I look forward to giving you an update and seeing if this girl can bring some balance back into her life.