You procrastinate because of self-doubt

Watch this short video to learn how to overcome it.

  • So you've taken the quiz and the real reason you've been procrastinating is self-doubt. I'm going to show you exactly why that's happening and what to do to overcome it today.

    Our feelings are what drive our actions. The only reason we ever do anything is because of how we feel. So naturally, if you're feeling self-doubt, you're not gonna wanna take action – it makes sense.

    When your brain is doubting you, it thinks that it's being helpful. It thinks that it's keeping you safe. It thinks that it's being really prepared for in case you don't succeed, like not letting you get your hopes up so that if you don't succeed, you won't feel so much of a drop in emotion.

    But really it's sabotaging you. Because here's how beliefs work: You don't think a thought because it's true, you think a thought to make it true. So when you tell yourself, I am good enough, I'm the perfect person to do this, then you feel confident, you take action and you see results that are proving to you that, hey, maybe you actually can do this, and maybe you really are good at this.

    So knowing this doesn't mean that the self-doubt just goes away, but it does help your brain understand that the self-doubt isn't helpful. And I think that that's really the first step, because as soon as you know that the self-doubt isn't helping you (because your brain thinks that it is) then you can see how crazy it is to keep thinking the thoughts that your brain is bringing you. And that's a really important distinction. Having the thoughts pop into your brain is one thing, but then choosing to ruminate and believe them, that's a whole other thing.

    So here's what I want to offer you as a remedy to self-doubt. I want you to start looking for reasons why everything is evidence that you're gonna succeed. Literally everything. And you might be like, hold up, what do you mean? Everything isn’t evidence? But notice that it's not about whether or not that's actually true. It's whether or not you're going to make that true. When you decide that everything is evidence that you are good enough and that you're going to succeed, you will feel confident, you'll take action, and you will prove to yourself that it is true.

    So what is the thought that you need to think right now that would make you feel confident so that you can actually take action?

    One of my amazing clients said to me, now, isn't this delusional? Like, why would you think that everything is evidence that you're gonna succeed when clearly it isn't? I was like, okay, so which is more delusional: thinking of thought that isn't true, that's going to get you a result you don't want? Or thinking a thought that isn't true, that's gonna get you a result you do want? Most of the thoughts we think all day aren't true – until we make them true by acting upon them.

    So you really wanna make sure you're picking thoughts that make you feel confident, not because they're already true, but because when you show up and take action from a confident place, you make them true. All right – so pick a thought that's gonna make you feel confident and practice thinking that.

    And make sure that you check your inbox, because I'm going to be sending more videos on how to break free from procrastination and get yourself to feel really confident so you can go after your goals at full force.

    I will talk to you then.