Sarah Arnold-Hall Sarah Arnold-Hall

119. How to Break a World Record With Matheson Brown

New Zealander Matheson Brown is an extreme sportsman in every sense of the word.

He’s recently broken not one, but two world records, making him the fastest person to summit the highest peak in all 50 US states – in just 20 days and 5 hours.

He experienced severe sleep deprivation, exhaustion, and weather complications, but it didn’t stop him from reaching his goal.

Today I’m lucky enough to have him on the podcast to share his story and the incredible mindset he cultivated to achieve this mindblowing feat.

Connect with Matheson:



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Sarah Arnold-Hall Sarah Arnold-Hall

117. Snakes and Ladders of Success

There are five levels on the Ladder of Success – do you know which one you’re on?

And do you know how to avoid the Snake of Failure that will slide you back down to square one?

In this episode, discover out which level of action taking you're at on the Ladder of Success and how to progress without slipping back down.

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Sarah Arnold-Hall Sarah Arnold-Hall

112. Am I Doing Enough?

Do you ever feel like no matter how much you get done, or how productive you are, you should have done more? How do you know if you're doing enough?

In today’s episode, I’m answering a listener's question and diving deep into the 3 ways to tell if you're actually doing enough.

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Sarah Arnold-Hall Sarah Arnold-Hall

111. How to Get Lit Up

Your level of energy has a volume setting. It’s constantly being adjusted by the people you interact with.

There are three types of people affecting your volume settings.

Listen to discover the types and how to light yourself up.

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Sarah Arnold-Hall Sarah Arnold-Hall

109. How Keira Opened a Bookshop in 9 Weeks

My wonderful client Keira Andrews is here to talk about how she hit her impossible goal of opening a bookshop (and a bunch of other goals!).

She shares the exact plan she created, the challenges she faced, and her secret to perseverance throughout it all.

Listen to this week’s episode to find out how she did it!

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