Sarah Arnold-Hall

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Everything Can Change in A Year

I was doing my taxes today and I realised that this time last year, I was still making £7 an hour answering calls about lost cats at a call centre.

For real.

I had to double-check the dates because so much has changed since then.

I had one coaching client at the time. I had already quit two other jobs to go after my goals - and failed at my coaching business for two years straight. I slept on a mattress on the floor and did coaching calls at 11pm while my boyfriend was asleep in the same room.

Today, I have 17 clients and an epic Facebook group of almost 4000, and I got accepted into an elite mastermind as one of the youngest people they’ve ever taken. I'm my own boss and I'm the only one who pays me. I get to create my own schedule and take time off when I want to.

I’m absolutely bursting with gratitude for all of you who have been with me on this journey, and for my past self for believing in me even when it seemed like a pipe dream.

If you are where I was this time last year, this is where I tell you to keep going. Do not stop. YOU DO NOT STOP.

Even if it feels like it’s just ridiculously hard work to achieve your dreams right now.

People are gonna tell you that you should give up. I can't count how many times I heard the backhanded compliment “wow, if I were you, I would have given up by now.”

I remember reading transformation posts like this from other people – I’ve still got them saved on my computer.

It did feel possible. But also, it felt ridiculously far away with no pathway and no roadmap.

All I did was keep taking the next clear action.

Each small step is easy to reach from the one before.

It’s when we try to get to the top in one go that it feels impossible and want to give up.

All you have to do right now is take the next clear step.

That's what I'm doing to reach my next impossible goals.

Because if you never ever give up, you’ve got no option but to succeed.

I know it’s a cliché. But that’s because it’s worked for so many people that it has become one.

Never, ever, ever give up.