Sarah Arnold-Hall

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January 2021 Goals

I got so caught up in sharing my 2020 goals that I realised I didn’t even share my January Goals 😂

So, even though we’re half way through the month, here they are (I’ve been working on them, I promise!)

  1. Attend the Mastermind with an open mind, ready to take any coaching on board.
    I noticed that I’ve been having some unhelpful thoughts about what I might be coached on during the mastermind, so I decided to do some self-coaching ahead of time. Helpful thoughts I am choosing: My coach wants me to succeed, and everything she says and does is to serve me. We are on the same team.

  2. Slowly move myself onto New York time a week ahead of the mastermind (and wear a watch set at Eastern time to remind me)
    Each day starts at 9am NYC, which is 3am my time in New Zealand, so  I’m getting my body used to waking up earlier and earlier. Today I got up at 3:30am and tomorrow I will get up at 2:00am. I’m not allowing myself to have any drama about it. Just do it.

  3. Do my physiotherapy exercises daily.
    I realise that I need to strictly discipline myself to do these, otherwise I end up asking “Do I really need to do it today? It won’t matter if I leave it until tomorrow.” That’s a slippery slope that has led me to neglecting my shoulder therapy almost entirely, I’m embarrassed to say. It’s only five minutes, girl. Come ON. So my commitment is to do them every single day this month, no matter what.

  4. Actually create all of my content on Fridays
    In December I started creating all of my content weekly, but I discovered that if I miss the day I planned to do it, suddenly I’m seven days behind – which creates a big mess in my schedule. So in January, I have committed to writing my weekly content on Fridays (and not leaving it until the last minute of the day, either!).

Did you share your January goals? 👇