Sarah Arnold-Hall

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Motivation Isn’t Supposed to Last

There’s this idea that we should be totally motivated, all the time, and if we’re not, there’s something wrong with us.

Um, no.

Lasting motivation is a lie. You cannot rely purely on motivation to get shiz done. EVER.

Motivation is just a feeling, just like sadness or fatigue or excitement.

It’s not about getting motivated once and staying that way, it’s about bringing yourself back to a motivated state as often as you can. (It doesn’t even matter how long you’ve been unmotivated for – you can become the most motivated person on the planet with a single thought).

When we’re motivated, it’s because we’re choosing motivating thoughts.

Thoughts that motivate me:

  • Michael Jordan would do it.

  • I am the kind of person who does what she says she’s going to do.

  • Someone out there needs me to do this right now.

  • My success is inevitable.

  • I eat fear for breakfast.

  • All I have to do is take one tiny step forward. And then another.

  • I am literally unstoppable.

  • I want this more than I want anything.

  • I will look back and be SO proud.

What thoughts motivate you?