Sarah Arnold-Hall

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April Goals: Review

This month I blew my own mind!
Not just because I achieved all of my goals, but because of how I achieved them all.

These are the goals I set for April:

  1. I will easily create 7 live videos (on Facebook or Instagram) by April 30, 2020.

    My friend Nicole Middleton challenged me to do this. The first 6 days were torture, and I was vowing to never do another livestream ever again. I thought about telling Nicole I wasn’t feeling well. But I convinced myself not to – I knew that the habit of the habit was more important than the habit itself. Then the 7th day, I actually enjoyed it. Now I make them all the time. I did at least 15!

  2. I will easily heal my shoulder injury 100% by April 30, 2020.

    Earlier in the year I injured myself doing push ups, and then aggravated my shoulder further with too much work at a computer. I've seen a physiotherapist (online) and it's finally on the mend, thank goodness. Nothing is going to hold me back from my impossible goal of doing 100 push ups in a row – I will hopefully be able to get back into training soon!

  3. I will easily join a volunteer project by April 30, 2020.

    One of my main passions and missions is to create a world where animals are not unnecessarily harmed, so I will be volunteering for The Vegan Society. I’m super excited about this opportunity to contribute! I spent all month wondering what volunteer project to join (and I originally enquired to Age Concern NZ about telephoning elderly people weekly to keep them from being too isolated during lockdown, but they didn’t need any extra volunteers).

  4. I will easily complete reading 3 full books by April 30, 2020.

    I half-read three books, and yesterday I imagined writing this saying “I didn’t achieve this, but I’ll try harder next time.” And then I thought, I could just try harder this time. It’s not over till it’s over. And I still had 24 hours. I actually did it! This must be the most reading I’ve crammed into one day in years. But it was so worth it. Because it’s not about reading – it’s about deciding to be the person that I want to be. How will I achieve my impossible goals if I can’t even follow through with my monthly goals? I’ve decided I’m the kind of person who commits and follows through with her goals.
    The books I read were:
    – Grit by Angela Duckworth
    – The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
    – Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

  5. I will easily join a business program to advance my skills by April 30, 2020.

    I joined Stacey Boehman's 2k for 2k program. This was a mission and a half because things turned upside with lockdown. But I was so damn committed to this. I wanted it bad. I got creative. I made it work. (Even if the money accidentally went into the wrong bank account, oops – it got sorted eventually!).

I’m looking forward to sharing my May goals with you tomorrow (this year is going so quickly!).