Sarah Arnold-Hall

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What Worked?

Today, thanks to the wonderful coach Stacey Boehman, I came across a brilliantly simple but effective goal reflection tool:

  • What worked?

  • What didn’t work?

  • What I will do differently?

I have resolved to answer these questions every single day in the back of my journal during March. I’m really excited about this because although it seems like it is just three questions, what it actually is, is an advanced accountability tool.

So much of the time, we tend to think “I’ve tried everything!” or “That won’t work.” This tool gives us the chance to prove it, and show ourselves how much effort we have really been exerting.

Why daily?

Because when you’ve got a specific goal that you need to take action on every single day, monitoring your progress daily is paramount. Y’all know my motto: if it matters, do it daily. So here’s my new motto: If it matters, monitor it daily.